Thursday, 14 July 2011

The Top 5 Most Badass Dragons in Gaming History (Contains Spoilers)

Well well first Top 5 List on my blog.
These lists will always be random but fairly precise on their topics.
As the gaming universe is so broad and vast, the options are endless!
So this week, I have decided to compile a list of the Top 5 Most Badass Dragons to ever appear in video games!

Lets start with number 5...


Now Spyro may not come to mind instantly when you think of "Badass Dragons" and for good reason, he is not a towering entity that can wipe out landmarks in one breath. However, with his small stature he is able to bring his own attributes to the table. Being able to pick up a huge amount of speed instantly, he is well suited for bigger and slower adversaries yet still a troublesome foe to those that can match his swiftness. Spyro is also not limited to breathing fire as he has harnessed a wide range of elements, with the most powerful ones being Ice and Electricity, and is more than capable of whipping up blizzards and thunderstorms. With his unique skills and courageous heart, Spyro is definitely a force to be reckoned with.



Valoo is a huge Dragon that rests atop the mountain on Dragon Roost Island,
so huge, you can see his silhouette even if you are a far from the isle, sailing along.

He is the both the Deity and Protector of the Rito people that live there.
Known as the "Sky Spirit", Valoo is able to fly extreme distances for long
periods of time, despite his small wings. Though he is gentle and kind hearted,
he is extremely ferocious when provoked and is easily capable of obliterating
entire structures in a single breath, such a Ganons hideout,
The Forsaken Fortress, In The Legend Of Zelda: The Windwaker. 



The Colossal Deathwing is the face of the newest World of Warcraft expansion Cataclysm, where he appears as the final boss (and for good
reason!) His emergence alone from within Deepholm destroyed cities
and settlements on different continents, making multiple zones within
the game either inhabitable or wiped out forever.

His sheer size means that destruction is an unavoidable occurrence,
with lands being altered physically with him merely flying over them.

Deathwing's power is magnified with his merciless mindset and vengeful thinking. His only intent being to cause harm to those who have previously defied him, or those that now stand in his way from bringing endless chaos to Azeroth.
When his Raid is finally released and Deathwing will be able to be encountered and battled, you can bet he will be the hardest challenge to date.



Now Yiazmat, is arguably one of, if not THE hardest boss of all time, with over 50,000,000 health, he is the Ultimate Boss in Final Fantasy XII and has more Hit Points than any other creature in the entire Final Fantasy series!

Described as a "Deity among Dragons", Yiazmat's immense size and health mean he is an extremely formidable opponent, and requires persistence and endurance along with maintained skill from the player as the battle has been known to take several hours AT LEAST. It's attacks are coupled with ailments that rapidly harm its challengers and can wipe out players if not dispelled or negated in time. Along with countless immunities to spells, there is no quick or easy method to downing this Super Boss.

Thankfully, Yiazmat is an optional boss, and is not a part of the main narrative within Final Fantasy XII, meaning that he must be sought out if the player truly believes himself skillful enough to conquer such a legendary boss.


And now for The Most Badass Dragon in Gaming History...


Referred to as "The Dragon King" and "Conquerer of the Skies", Bahamut is, in my opinion, THE MOST BADASS DRAGON IN GAMING HISTORY.

Though he appears in 11 Final Fantasy games, Bahamut has always retained his intimidating draconic appearance, with his forms always dwarfing others characters and creatures in their respective games. Appearing as both a ruthless boss or much coveted summon, Bahamut is generally featured late into games as the player must train vigorously to gain or defeat him.

Bahamut, though recurringly massive in stature, is extremely fast, whether that be in his actions or fighting, he is swift in his movement and is able to generate huge amounts of power in little time at all, an explosive entity and all round powerhouse.

Bahamut's special attack, Mega Flare is a huge beam of energy that is fired from his mouth that engulfs and deals insane amounts of damage to enemies, used as a special move or last resort, it is famous for its ensuing epic jaw dropping animations.

Bahamut, charging Mega Flare. 
Though he may not be necessarily the toughest or biggest Dragon in gaming history,
Bahamut has always left me in awe after encountering him in each game. To me, the epitome of what a true dragon is, and for that reason,
he is number 1 on my list.  

Thanks for reading! Hope you enjoyed this Top 5.
Keep your eyes peeled for a random game review coming within the next few days!

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